Sunday 31 July 2016

100th Day of School

Last Thursday was the 100th day of  school. We had been counting up to this day all year using our 'Countdown Dachshund' place value chart. To celebrate this special day we participated in a range of Maths and craft activities. 

We created 100 day hats and glasses.

After recess we participated in 100 day maths activities.

Sunday 24 July 2016

NAIDOC Incursion

On Friday Rooms 6 and 7 participated in a NAIDOC incursion presented by a man called Greg Nannup. He taught us all about indigenous culture and told us a dreamtime story called 'The Rainbow Serpent'. We even got to hold some traditional clothes and tools.

Three Billy Goats Gruff

This term Room 7 will be learning all about traditional tales. Each week we will focus on a different story and participate in many activities associated with the book.  

We started off this unit with 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. After reading the big book for the first time on Monday we used finger puppets to act out the story as a class. 
The next day the finger puppets were found in the book corner with a bridge and other items we could use to retell the story. 

In the Maths area this week we had a challenge to build a sturdy bridge for the Troll from blocks and other materials. 

We had so much fun and are excited to see which traditional tale we will be reading next week.