Monday 29 February 2016

Home Reading in Year 1

Home reading commenced today. The students were very excited, which was fantastic to see. 

Home reading is extremely valuable as it allows students to practise the reading skills taught in class, as well as assisting them to develop confidence and a love for reading. For this reason the students will take home a variety of books throughout the year that are either challenging, at their level or easier for them to read. 

Students will need to bring their yellow folder to school each day but books will only be changed on Mondays and Wednesday's. They are encouraged to read the whole book or a part of the book each night. 

I have sent a coloured reading card home with with students in their yellow folders. This is to help with questions to ask them while they are reading to assist in the development of their comprehension skills. It also has a list of tricky words for students to practise reading and writing. 

Please see me if you have any questions.

Mrs Pye :)

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